Manipura Power Yoga

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Why I Chose Baptiste Yoga

I was depressed, the time was very dark; two women who I am very close to reached out to me and said “do you want to go to yoga?” My first class was with Phil Urso, he put me in the middle of the room, I had no clue as to the cost or what I was stepping into, it was hot, I couldn’t breathe, help me escape from this, I wanted to run out of the room.  Phil put me in child's pose, I spent a lot of time here praying “Dear God; please remove these thoughts” I began to pray for others and in that first class my head began to empty.  In my first 90 minute class I found peace.  After leaving I thought I need to go back so I went back the next day, body cramping all I could do after class is lay on the couch and hydrate, I fell in love. Yoga began to transform my thinking, my actions, my way of being, the person walking out after class was a different person than the one who walked in; this was just a start.  I then found another yoga studio and met another Baptiste teacher, holy cow in this small town there are so many Baptiste teachers; I began to be curious.  My teachers would talk about Baron this and Baron that... I wanted to find out more so I signed up for level one... in Hawaii.

Level 1 began the transformation process, it opened my eyes to a bigger picture, I found myself in a large group session clearing away the blocks, creating space for healing, in this group of 129 people here I was on the floor in a little ball crying. During this period I was very passionate; (obsessed) about yoga and what it was doing for my mind and body. I began to transform my thinking, my actions, I knew I wanted to share this possibility with others, but first I have some work to do.

The Work as I like to call it is through meditation, and inquiry, two of the Baptiste principles, Baron says in his 40 Days to a Personal Revolution "you can do yoga til your blue in the face and all that you will be is blue in the face" to transform you have to be willing to shift your whole way of being.   I became an awesome ex-husband and defined my personal philosophy towards my former wife, When I married her I said "I loved her"; is love like the trash something that gets tossed out when it doesn't work out? I committed my life to her and just because we were divorced does not change the fact that she is the mother of my children, it does not change the fact that if she needs help am I going to turn my back on her?  This little ditty of philosophy is the bomb, it has saved me from countless hours of confrontation and anguish; our two boys are rocking the world because of Baptiste Yoga and because they are important to me! Many men in the world could use this philosophy.  

I chose Baptiste Yoga to learn how to forgive, it starts in my heart, how to be curious, compassionate, kind and generous.  Learning about the yoga sutras and Hindu mythology has opened my moral world to do the next right thing, to take a stand for those who cannot be a stand for themselves and trust in God i.e. Universe.  I found healing.

I chose Baptiste yoga to learn how to understand meditation, to accept meditation.  For many years I tried to meditate, I stopped over and over because I thought I was not doing it "right", there is no wrong way to meditate.  You sit. You get present to your body.  Get present to your breath. Then you see how long you can maintain this connection, be the observer. 

Meditation led me down the road of inquiry, being present to my thoughts I can connect to what I am afraid of, I can connect to what is important, I can begin to shift and transform.  For those that have known me can see the transformation.  Stirra Sukha, the hard and the soft, (I Like the soft).

Another great reason why I chose Baptiste Yoga is because of what it does to my body, I am 52 years old with a replaced hip and I am in the best shape of my life. Using the 40 Days to a Personal Revolution brought me front and center with my diet, this combined with a regular practice resulted in a 20lb weight reduction. There is some level of pain in my body when I do not practice regularly. Through the practice of Baptiste Yoga I am able to look myself in the mirror and accept the man looking back at me and I was finally able to empty my head into nothingness.  I have dropped my story and am aware of the creative nature that comes up when a story is created and how the energy focused in this area will undermine my ability to share this with other and make a contribution to the world. Am I perfect, by no means but I strive for perfection, it’s good to have a goal.  

If you are curious about Baptiste Yoga, or about transforming your life the hardest part is stepping forward.  When the student is ready the teacher appears.

See you on the Mat.